Head of Center for Human Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
Coordinator of PhD Program Molecular Biology, module Molecular Biology of Eukaryotes
Expert witness for DNA typing and forensic genetics
Current research support and project participation
Analysis of structural genomic changes as diagnostic and prognostic parameters of human diseases (OI 173016, 2011-2018, MESTD RS). PI Dusanka SAVIC-PAVICEVIC
Delivery of Antisense RNA Therapeutics (DART), CA COST Action CA17103, 2018-2022, Chair Dr Virginia ARECHAVALA-GOMEZA, MC for Serbia D. SAVIC-PAVICEVIC
Enhancing Psychiatric Genetic Counselling, Testing, and Training in Europe (EnGagE), CA COST Action CA17130, Chair Dr Franziska DEGENHARDT, MC Substitute for Serbia D. SAVIC-PAVICEVIC